Thursday, August 28, 2014

The End


this is the end of the blog friends and family.  I decided I'm going to print a photo book for each year of school for the boys instead.  I am much better at taking pictures with my phone than I am blogging, and I love to put together photo books so that will be a great way to scrapbook each year of the boys years in school.  The boys have already had so many fun memories such as ice cream meet & greet, first day of school, color days where they had to wear certain color shirts to school, their first fundraiser, and P losing his first tooth!!! 

Thanks for keeping up with us :)

Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Another fun summer day! Started off with breakfast (cinnamon rolls) with Deeda, then went to the zoo with Christian and Hunter

Then made a countdown chain for Grandma after a playdate with Nehemiah.


Everyone knows by now that I am a horrible, terrible, no good blogger.  It's ok.  I can admit it.  I do my best.  I live my life.  I try to catch up the blog when I can.  I do continue to work at it b/c I love looking back at it and reading old posts or looking at old pictures.  So I will continue to blog even though there are huge gaps where we have taken breaks and life has gotten in the way.  Here are some pics I want to include for memories:

L in the outfield

P in the outfield

our first gum-in-hair incident

a sweet picture of L with Sadie - she has become his little project - he is "training" her :)

my children playing golf in the backyard in pajama shorts and TN jerseys - before we got grass

swimming lessons

riding Big Wheels at Kit and Pops'

riding Big Wheels

I love sleeping pictures :)

Hide and Seek

Riverdale basketball game ages ago - just wanted to add this one for memories

L has come a long way with his drawings - he has worked hard at them

we've already picked out costumes for Halloween this year - we're a bit Star Wars obsessed right now

just a cute picture :)

Johnson Park

 working in the backyard with Pops

P hitting

L hitting

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Highlights from the boys' scrapbooks their teacher made them:

First day of preschool this year

This reminds me of when P told miss Vicki "I know what yoga is! That's what daddy does in the dark!"

The first time P really worked on writing his name at school

Miss Dwala said our boys were the only ones who tried (and liked!) every single fruit and vegetable :)

The boys will be 5 tomorrow, which is so hard to believe. P just told me "your polka dots are hurting me!" (which is what he calls the stubble on my legs) and I thought to myself "awwww even though he's growing fast he still calls them polka dots :)

Monday, May 12, 2014


The boys made ice cream with Kit and Pops last Friday. They loved sharing it with Finn Friday night and they are devouring a cone (or 2) after dinner. It brings back memories of making vanilla ice cream with my Granddaddy Scott :)

Sunday, May 11, 2014


Happy Mother's Day!

Thursday, May 8, 2014


L: who is that for?
me: Finn's new little sister
L: did miss Katy get the baby out?
me: yep
L: why?
me: b/c she had cooked long enough
L: ugh, did she eat it?
me: no, she did not eat the baby
L: well, did Finn see her take the baby out?
me: no, I'm pretty sure he didn't
L: well where was I when I was a baby?
me: in mommy's tummy
L: oh....and Peyton was in daddy's tummy?
me: no, daddy's don't have babies in their tummies, only mommies
(hoping he never reads about this man - remember him??)